Monday, October 31, 2011

Meet Cindy

"I like your giraffe," I told Cindy who had painted her horse for a Halloween contest. Cindy dressed as a safari guide.
I forget exactly what she said in response.
"I heard you won first place," I retorted, as I chopped tomatoes for salsa.
"There were multiple categories. We won funniest."
I laughed.
"Next year, I want us to be Girls Scouts Gone Bad. We'd be troop 69 and have a patch that said "Doggy Style" on it."
I wasn't expecting that. Cindy works as a Psych Tech at the Atascadero State Hospital. Her horse's name is Angel. Cindy is a Kurt Vunnegut fan and a Virgo. She's friend's with Barb, who is the matriarch of the ranch. Even Barb thought it was weird, and that's pretty weird for Barb's standards.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Quotes of the day

"You sound well." - Dennis on the phone outside of a cafe in Templeton.
whatever is said on the other line.
"Oh you're on morphine." - Dennis
talk goes on for at least a couple more minutes.
"Well you sound like you're doing pretty well. Save some morphine for me." - Dennis
Mind you Dennis is bald and hard of hearing. He smokes weed on the backroads. He wears two pairs of glasses on top of each other to read the paper. He usually only eats burgers and sugar cereal. He smokes Camel Menthols.
I live with Dennis on a ranch out in the country. I have for at least a month or two now.